
Early Intervention (ages 2-5)

At Beanstalk, we work together with parents to develop personalized home-based intervention programs that nurture every child’s individual strengths and support each family in their areas of need. Using Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and Verbal Behaviour (VB) we establish a foundation of communication, social and self-management skills necessary for successful learning in a classroom environment.

Our services begin with an intake interview and assessment session. We work with families and support networks to gain an understanding of the family’s goals and the child’s strengths in order to complete a formal assessment of the child’s current skill level.  Using the data gathered from the assessment, we develop an individualised support plan and highlight the specific goals for the intervention program.  Our consultants provide in-depth training to your family and interventionist team and oversee the implementation of all program goals.  Your child’s progress is  carefully tracked and monitored by our consultants with ongoing supervision and training  provided to the team.

School Age  (ages 6-18)

We use a collaborative team approach that includes family, friends and other professionals.  It is important for us to include the child for all or part of the goal selection process when possible.  After working as a group to determine the priorities to focus on, we develop strategies suited to the family and work together on implementation.  Potential goals can encompass areas in skill building and decreasing challenging behaviours.  We focus on developing skills in areas that increase independence, quality of life and are age appropriate.  We can work with the child’s school to collaborate on classroom-based supports thereby creating consistency between school and home settings and stability for the student.

Behaviour Support

At any time in a child’s life there can be a need to change behaviours that create challenges both in terms of social acceptance and safety.  This can be a stressful time for families and Beanstalk strives to provide the support needed to achieve positive change.  We use functional behaviour assessment and positive behaviour support to understand why behaviours are occurring and what strategies can be put in place to address them.

Positive behaviour support (PBS) is a person-centred approach that is successfully used to help children and adults with challenging behaviours.  The PBS approach starts with a positive view of the child.  The goal is to support the individual and the family as well as the interactions among them.  PBS uses the science of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and implements its data-defined findings in a natural setting.

Outside the context of family, PBS has been applied in schools and community settings with great success.  It came out of the Inclusion movement.  The behaviour consultant works with family members to develop support strategies that fit their lifestyle.  With PBS, family members are the change agents working with the behaviour consultant to implement strategies and improve the outcome of behavioural challenges.

Beanstalk behaviour consultants are listed on the Registry of Autism Services Providers (RASP) and therefore services can be paid for through the Ministry of Children and Families autism funding programs.